Developing for automotive?

Deliver your projects faster by accessing the right experts

Access on-demand technical resources that will help you deliver quickly and efficiently. Engage them through a single partner.

Reach New Levels of Efficiency

A Single Point of Entry

Work with thousands of verified experts across the globe, all through a single line in your approved vendor list.

Top 15% vetted talent

All experts are carefully vetted by our team to make sure you spend less time interviewing, and more time working.

4x faster onboarding

Higher quality & better reach means new resources onboarded in 2 weeks, not 2 months.

Billing & Compliance

Abstract away global hiring compliance & payments in 150+ countries globally. All handled through the Hashlist platform

A new dawn for automotive ecosystem partners.

Engage the best experts, flexibly.

Trusted by global automotive leaders

How it works

1. Launch position

Dedicated account manager for job launches and/or self-service directly on platform 24/7.
How it works

2. Matching

Get offers from top candidates in the network globally.
How it works

3. Engage

Engage your ideal expert.
How it works

4. During engagement

Hashlist handles HR compliance, payments, and keeps talent available for you. You set up your own confidentiality & IP transfer agreement with talent.
Get Started

Deliver your projects in automotive quicker by engaging available industry experts.

Whether you're building apps for the infotainment system, complex cloud integrations, or software for self-driving, Hashlist can help you reach a global pool of qualified auto-focused tech experts.