Hashlist Takes 2nd Place in CLEPA's Competition for Next-Gen Automotive Solutions

The most important SDV-related projects are not getting delivered due to long resource onboarding, heavy bureaucracy, and legacy talent agencies. Hashlist is a new approach: One platform to globally access automotive specialized tech talent to deliver your projects faster.

Robert Laukas

On Wednesday 20th of March, Hashlist presented its solution at the CLEPA - European Association of Automotive Suppliers Aftermarket conference.

When it came down to vote, Hashlist’s solution came in at 2nd place among 10 invited next-gen companies in the automotive industry.

We are very grateful for being invited and recognized for our approach towards solving significant industry challenges. 

Our presentation highlighted the critical pain points that automotive companies face today, including the slow onboarding of resources and the reliance on outdated talent procurement methods. 

We demonstrated how Hashlist's platform could effectively address these issues by offering a seamless, efficient way to access a global pool of automotive tech specialists. The positive response from the audience reaffirmed our belief in the need for such a solution.

By connecting automotive companies directly with specialized tech talent, they deliver their projects faster, cut down on the time and bureaucracy needed, and lower their costs

Our journey has only begun, and we look forward to the road ahead, full of opportunities to make a lasting impact on the automotive industry.

Hashlist platform' helps automotive companies deliver their projects faster by engaging the best automotive tech talent globally